Oculus Health Staffing will work directly with you and for your needs.

Get one-on-one assistance, access to top healthcare jobs, and build an exciting and fruitful healthcare career when you work through us.

Our areas of expertise

Seeking a meaningful healthcare career? We take pride in helping you thrive in your chosen career path. Here’s how we can assist you.


Secure long-term employment from our range of job listings.


Practice your nursing profession in facilities that appreciate your work.


Help our clients’ day-to-day operations by applying for non-clinical jobs.

Allied and
therapy staffing

Find rewarding jobs where you can make an impact as an allied health professional or a therapist.


Get hired by US businesses, and we’ll have your sponsorship needs covered.


Expand your career horizons and grab the chance to work beyond where you are.

Positions we offer

Clinical health care job opportunities

Allied health job opportunities

Non-Clinical job opportunities

Enhanced applicant tracking

Monitor potential employees for your job listings. We have an applicant tracking system to give you a clear picture of how the hiring process is going.

Better productivity and less training

Save time and money by hiring competent candidates who require less training. Your operations will also benefit from our quick onboarding process.

Round-the-clock support service

Our services don’t end when you hire the right candidates. We offer a 24/7 support facility to help with onboarding, scheduling, and more.

Interested in travel positions?

Get in touch with us!

Extensive screening and selection process

By implementing a rigorous screening and selection process, we’re able to endorse qualified individuals to our clients. We conduct the necessary background checks and verify credentials to help healthcare organizations make sound hiring decisions. 

Objective evaluation during the contract period

Recruiting and hiring employees take time and money. At Oculus Health, we want to optimize everyone’s resources by ensuring long-term employment success. We do that by objectively assessing an individual’s skills and fit during the agreed-upon contract period.

Staffing solutions for different healthcare niches

Healthcare is a vast industry, with each niche demanding specific sets of skills and technical knowledge. We cater to a wide range of clients, offering bespoke staffing solutions for critical care, pediatrics, geriatrics, and more.

Comprehensive management of all staffing needs

Lending our expertise at every stage of the staffing process, our goal is to help you reduce administrative pressure. As you focus on core operations, you can rest easy knowing that we’re working efficiently fill in your job openings with ideal candidates.

Access to skilled

Whether you’re looking for a full-time nurse, a part-time nursing assistant, or an on-call therapist, we’ve got your specific staffing needs covered.


Whether you’re looking for a full-time nurse, a part-time nursing assistant, or an on-call therapist, we’ve got your specific staffing needs covered

recruitment burden

There’s a lot of administrative tasks that come with hiring new employees. Free up your time and allocate your resources better when you recruit through us.

applicant tracking

Monitor potential employees for your job listings. We have an applicant tracking system to give you a clear picture of how the hiring process is going.

Better productivity
and less training

Save time and money by hiring competent candidates who require less training. Your operations will also benefit from our quick onboarding process.

support service

Our services don't end when you hire the right candidates. We offer a 24/7 support facility to help with onboarding, scheduling, and more.

Know what our best
talents have to say

Upgrade the way you hire candidates

recruitment burden

There’s a lot of administrative tasks that come with hiring new employees. Free up your time and allocate your resources better when you recruit through us.


Whether you’re looking for a full-time nurse, a part-time nursing assistant, or an on-call therapist, we’ve got your specific staffing needs covered.

Access to skilled

Whether you’re looking for a full-time nurse, a part-time nursing assistant, or an on-call therapist, we’ve got your specific staffing needs covered.

Do you find your business getting consumed by recruitment-related tasks? Take the next step to making your hiring process more efficient and cost-effective. Team up with us at Oculus Health. 

Get in touch
with us

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